Associate Professor / Tenured
Contact Information
Campus: Fairfax
Building: Nguyen Engineering
Room 5348
Hemant Purohit is an associate professor in the Department of Information Sciences and Technology and director of the Humanitarian Informatics Lab. He researches the design of interactive intelligent systems to support and augment human work capabilities for real-time processing and management of non-traditional data sources (social media, web, IoT) at emergency services and humanitarian organizations. He develops new methods in social computing using data mining, semantic computing with NLP, and human-centered computing with ML while taking inspiration from social-psychological theories for understanding human behavior. He obtained a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Wright State University under Professor Amit Sheth.
Purohit has received many awards for crisis informatics work, including the 2014 ITU Young-Innovator award from the United Nations agency (ITU), the best paper award at the 2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM Web Intelligence conference, as well as the CRII award from the U.S. National Science Foundation in 2017. His lab is supported by multiple grants from state, national, and international agencies, including NSF. Purohit has served on many organizing committees of international conferences and currently, he is an editorial board member for Elsevier Journal of Information Processing & Management and a review editor for the Frontiers in Big Data journal.
PhD, Computer Science and Engineering, Wright State University